El aceite esencial de naranja se extrae directamente durante la producción de zumos naturales de naranja y es el responsable del aroma de la naranja.
El aceite se encuentra en las partes exteriores de la piel del citroc, esta piel es raspada ligeramente para extraer gotas de aceite que son recuperados y guardados para su posterior filtrado. Esta extraccion se hace en frio, sin llegar a calentar los aceites para que el producto mantenga todas cos caracteristicas naturales
Densidad Relativa ( 20ºC) 0,84-0,860 gml
Aldehidos 0,6 Mins % decanal ( w/w)
Indice de refraccion ( 20ºC) 1,470-1,474
Es importante descacar que los citricos tienen ceras naturales, en la producción de aceites esenciales se suelen guardar en refrigeración, para que las ceras decanten solas y se pueda separar la parte con ceras del aceite de naranja limpio
Baor Products dispone de aceite esencial de naranja directamente desde fabrica y con los mejores precios.
The main uses for natural orange oil are for the preparation of drinks and for desserts and yogurts.
Traditionally, orange oil has been used as a natural flavoring for pastries or for relaxing massages.
In the manufacture of beverages, which is the most widespread, only with the addition of 1% of natural orange oil, we can achieve an aroma and flavor of fresh orange of the best quality.
The orange only has between 0.1% and 0.3% of its weight in oil, this means that the amount of oranges we need to produce one kg of natural orange oil is very large. This is the reason why natural orange oil prices are very high compared to other orange products.
Orange oil has many applications, from the food industry; where we use it to flavor naturally, even cosmetics or pharmaceuticals.
Traditionally in the south of Spain, citrus oil has been used against inflammation and to treat some muscle pain.
In the food industry, Baor Products uses orange oil to reincorporate it into orange concentrates, which thus increase its smell and enhance the entire sensation of quality of our products.
Leader in fruit and vegetable juices and concentrates, we stand out for excellence and innovation. Our products are 100% plant-based, sustainable and of high quality.
As international manufacturers and distributors, we guarantee safe and punctual deliveries. We work with you to boost the success of your business with personalized solutions fully adapted to your company.
Trust Baor to achieve your goals and enjoy a passionate and trustworthy collaboration!
Contact us today and discover how our concentrated fruit bases can propel your culinary vision to new heights.
All our products are stored at the appropriate temperature in state-of-the-art refrigerated facilities and chambers.
We manufacture and distribute internationally, preserving the cold chain, guaranteeing the quality of each of our products.
Our logistics operations through international operators guarantee the receipt of the product in perfect conditions.