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Food industry ingredients

Direct from the Manufacturer

Baor Products is a reputed experienced manufacturer and supplier in food raw materials for the food industry.

We have our own development and packaging plant where we design and produce various products for the industrial B2B market. We are a manufacturer and distributor of various plant-based raw materials for the industry, and we are involved in quality control for all our products.

All our raw materials come from plants and are suitable for both vegetarian and vegan diets.

Quality is our aim
Concentrated juice for distribution and sale

Juice Concentrate

Fruit Concentrate

NFC Juice


Organic Jucie

Oils and Natural Aroma

Image of pulp and fruit cubes for sale or distribution

Fruit Pulp and dices

Plant Based Concentrate

Citrus cells

The innovation, versatility, and sustainability of our juices, concentrates, and purées have made us leaders in multiple industries. Many of our raw materials are present in finished products that can be found in supermarkets around the world.»

At Baor Products, we offer a variety of high-quality packaging options designed to meet the specific needs of the food industry. From aseptic and non-aseptic drums to frozen buckets and bag-in-box formats, our packaging solutions ensure that every product reaches you with maximum freshness and convenience.


Learn more about our packing solutions here

Secure Storage

All our products are stored at the appropriate temperature in state-of-the-art refrigerated facilities and chambers.

International Manufacturing

We manufacture and distribute internationally, preserving the cold chain, guaranteeing the quality of each of our products.

Logistics and distribution

Our logistics operations through international operators guarantee the receipt of the product in perfect conditions.