08 Nov Pomegranate juice season volumen in Spain
Since the beginning of September we have been collecting pomegranates in Spain. The summer and early autumn have been very dry and hot, which has meant that the fruit has not been able to gain the necessary size for the fresh market. Although the chains are accepting smaller sizes, the demand for fresh is decreasing somewhat due to this drop in «quality»
The result of having small sizes due to lack of water, as occurs with other fruits such as grapes, is the natural increase in brix degrees of the fruit, which will result in a fruit with much more flavor. This situation benefits the industry, which will be able to manufacture juices of much higher quality than in other years due to the increase in brix of the juice.
According to what is said in the market, it is estimated that the increase in fruit for industry due to small sizes will be between 25% and 35% more than Mollar variety pomegranates.
In the case of the wonderful variety, the data indicates that we will also have a normal harvest because the drop in demand for fresh fruit will be combined with the increase in availability for the industry, which is estimated to be around 10%.

Pomegranate juice new season prices
Pomegranate juice industrial prices have had some ups and downs in recent years, influenced mostly by the large increases in demand from third countries and the falls in this demand, which has caused an increase and fall in prices.
Last year, we saw how the prices of quality industrial juices had a significant increase in prices due to the emergence of very low quality merchandise from third countries into the market.
Everything indicates that this year, the increase in supply of pomegranate fruit, and the increase in prices of industrial juice production will cause both NFC squeezed juices and pomegranate concentrates to maintain similar prices to the previous campaign.
In fact, Baor Products will maintain quotes compared to the previous year.
Pomegrante Spain varieties
The industrial pomegranate market has always revolved around two main varieties, the mollar and the wonderful. In the world, the most consumed pomegranate, due to its intense red color and high acidity, has been the wonderful variety. This acidity makes this variety even more antioxidant than others.
For a few years now, we have been seeing how new varieties destined for the fresh market are being planted, which is making marketing them in juice unprofitable in many cases; Whether it is due to the size or the small differences in flavor in the squeezed juice that do not convince the final consumer.
Almost certainly, in a few years we will see how these varieties will be mixed with the two traditional ones in Spain, starting to have multivarietal pomegranate juices.
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