A juice concentrate is obtained through the evaporation of NFC (Not From Concentrate) juice. In this juice, all the organoleptic properties of the original juice are maintained, even intensified due to the concentration. This means that, in many cases, it can be used as a juice to manufacture health-related products, as it concentrates the benefits of fruits and vegetables.
To use concentrated juices, you only need to add water to reduce them to the Brix level of the fruit from which they originate. Concentrated juices typically have between 50 and 70 Brix, depending on the type of fruit being concentrated. Due to this and production needs, there are two types: cloudy and clarified
This concentrated juice is not filtered or has very weak filtration, which often limits its concentration to around 50 Brix due to the pulp it contains. This juice is typically more flavorful and retains all the health benefits of the original juice.
This concentrated juice does not contain suspended pulp. This pulp is traditionally removed using natural enzymatic methods or ultrafiltration. The final appearance of this clarified juice concentrate makes it suitable for many manufacturing processes where settling or color in the final product is undesirable.
Fruit Juice concentrate is a versatile product used in a large number of manufacturing processes where fruit is present. Manufacturers of juices, drinks, sauces, dressings or fermentable products such as kombuchas or vinegars use our concentrated juices.
The concentration by evaporation means that the properties of the fruit from which they come are concentrated, making it very easy to use, since with little product we provide everything necessary from the fruit.
By removing water from the juice, concentrated juice increases its durability, in addition to making transportation more economical.
Another interesting characteristic of concentrated juices is their uniform consistency, color, flavor, and texture that are homogeneous, which makes them more easily usable in industrial manufacturing.
Baor Products is a manufacturer and distributor of different fruit juice concentrates that we detail.
LEMON (Clear / Cloudy)
Lemon juice concentrate is made from the concentration of squeezed lemon juice.
There are 2 main quality variants of lemon juice, cloudy or clear, and 400 or 500 gpl.
The clarification parameter is decisive for including our concentrate in a recipe, since it provides turbidity.
The gpl parameter tells us how acidic our product is and means grams per liter of natural citric acid.
ORANGE (Clear / Cloudy)
Orange juice concentrate is mainly used for manufacturing orange juices from concentrates.
OJ is the most consumed juice in the world and is available in 200 liter drums and 25 ton tanks for direct incorporation into production.
Like in others juice, OJFC is also available in clear and cloudy quality. Both qualities are used for differents productions.
Clarified orange juice is produced from ultrafiltration clarification or enzymatic clarification, which removes the pulp and color from the orange concentrate.
We are manufacturers and distributors of concentrated and clarified cloudy orange juice of Spanish origin.
The packaging of this product is usually in 250 kg net drums or in a 20 kg bag in box or frozen buckets
This product is made from squeezed mandarin orange. Tangerine juice is obtained from healthy and ripe fruits only through mechanical procedures. Once the juice is obtained, it is evaporated to concentrate up to 65 brix. The product has an intense orange color with a fresh orange smell.
We are manufacturers and suppliers of concentrated mandarin juice 65 brix.
Spain is one of the most important world producers of top quality mandarin concentrate.
The packaging of this product is usually in 250 kg net drums or in a 20 kg bag in box.
White grape juice concentrate is mainly used to produce grape juice or to produce whitery. This product is manufactured from the dehydration of grape juice with SO2, because of grape must is stocked with sulfur dioxide to avoid fermentations, till the day of the concentracion, where this SO2 is elimiated <10ppm
Grape must adds SO2 to avoid fermentation during storage. In the concentration process, the must is desulphited to levels below 10ppm.
Grape juice concentrate can be produced at mainly 65 or 68 degrees brix.
Spain is one of the world leaders in grape juice production.
This product is manufactured from the dehydration of red grape juice with SO2.
Red grape must adds SO2 to avoid fermentation during storage (with fermentation red wine would be obtained). In the concentration process, the must is desulphited to levels below 10ppm in finished juice.
The red grape juice concentrate can usually be produced at 65 degrees brix mainly and the packaging of this concentrate can be done in refrigerated aseptic or non-aseptic drums.
Rectified concentrated grape must is obtained by deionizing concentrated grape juices.
This process eliminates all the components of the grape concentrate, leaving only glucose, fructose and minerals, thus having a product without aroma and without color, which can be used in many manufactures.
Due to its characteristics, this concentrate constitutes a base for multifruits, and mixtures such as jams that obtain their sugar only from the sugar of the fruit.
This concentrate is made from squeezed pomegranate juice.
Pomegranate juice has a high antioxidant power, and there are numerous studies that support its properties, which make it one of the superfoods.
Concentrated pomegranate juice has numerous applications such as juices, nectars, ice creams, syrups, dressings…
Spanish pomegranate juice is highly appreciated internationally due to its high quality.
Brix. 65-66
Acidity 3.5-5-5
Ph 4 max
Concentrated apple juice is widely used as a component of many manufactures such as juices, drinks, snacks, sauces…
The most common brix of this concentrated juice is 70º and the color is usually light yellow with the typical smell of healthy and fresh apple.
At Baor products we are suppliers of Spanish-made apple concentrate.
Concentrated pear juice is widely used as a component of many manufactures such as juices, drinks, snacks, sauces or syrups.
The most common brix of this concentrated juice is 70º and the color is usually light yellow with the typical smell of a healthy, fresh pear.
Concentrated pear juice is widely used as a component of many manufactures such as juices, drinks, snacks, sauces or syrups.
The most common brix of this concentrated juice is 70º and the color is usually light yellow with the typical smell of a healthy, fresh pear.
This product is made only with carob and water. Our carob syrup is made with carob beans grown in Spain and contains natural ponidenols. It is ideal for juices, drinks, supplements, and can be used as a natural sweetener directly by the consumer.
Its most important property in addition to the pinitol content is the low glycemic index, which makes it suitable as a component of many productions.
The flavor is typical of carob, with hints similar to chocolate.
Brix 64-67
Ph 5.4-5.6
Concentrated white grapefruit juice is widely used to produce juices and diet drinks, given its diuretic characteristics.
Normally it is concentrated at 50 or 65 degrees brix
This concentrated juice is mainly used to mix multifruits or to make FC juices.
This product is made only with strawberry juice. The strawberries are harvested in a perfect state of ripeness and transformed into puree. This puree is processed by mechanical means to obtain a pulp-free juice, which is concentrated by evaporation.
Strawberry juice concentrate is perfect for making juices, drinks, syrups, jelly beans or ice cream.
The product is packaged in 250 kg drums or 20 kg bibs.
Raspberry juice concentrate is made exclusively from raspberry juice.
It has many applications either alone or as a mixture of other fruits. It is used to make jams, jelly beans, drinks, ice cream, dairy desserts…
This product is made only with cranberry juice. The blueberry is harvested in a perfect state of ripeness and from it a squeezed juice is obtained that is concentrated by evaporation.
Cranberry juice concentrate is perfect for making juices, drinks, jams, syrups, jelly beans or ice cream.
The product is packaged in 250 kg drums or 20 kg bibs.
PEACH 30/32 30º / 32º
Concentrated peach puree is widely used in the manufacture of drinks, jams, ice cream and compotes. It is a very fruity product with a pale yellow color. We usually pack in 250 kg drums or 20 kg bag in box.
Brix: 30º-32º
Acidity 1.0 – 2.5
Ph 4 max
APRICOT 30º / 32º
Concentrated apricot puree is widely used in the manufacture of drinks, jams, ice creams and compotes. It is a very fruity product with a pale yellow color. We usually pack in 250 kg drums or 20 kg bag in box.
Brix: 31º- 32
Acidity 1.0- 2.0
Ph 4 max
STRAWBERRY 30º / 32º
Concentrated strawberry puree is widely used in the manufacture of drinks, jams, ice creams and compotes. It is a very fruity product with an intense red chlorine. We usually package in 250 kg drums or 20 kg bag in box.
Somos fabricantes y proveedores de pures de fresa 18º, 21º o 32º brix
Tomato concentrate is mainly used to make juices and sauces. Tomato concentrate is manufactured in different gradations and sieves, the most common being 28/30 brix. In the 28/30 brix quality we can distinguish two types depending on how the tomato is broken during the manufacturing process, this is hot break or cold break.
In addition to tomato concentrate 28/30 brix we also distribute tomato concentrate 36/38 and pizza sauce 10/12 and 12/14º brix
RASPBERRY 20º / 22º
Concentrated raspberry puree is widely used in the manufacture of jams, ice creams, dairy desserts, syrups… It is a very fruity product with an intense red color. It is also widely used in mixtures with other red fruits in various productions.
We usually pack in 250 kg drums or 20 kg bag in box.
Brix: 31-32º
Acidity 5.5 – 7.0
ph 4 max
Ph 4 max
CHERIMOYA 20º / 22º
This product is made from custard apples collected in southern Spain.
The concentrated cherimoya puree has the characteristic aroma of cherimoya with astringent touches.
The product is packaged in 250 kg drums and is mainly used for the production of drinks and ice cream.
Brix 32-35
Acidity 0.7 – 0.9
ph 4 max
Leader in fruit and vegetable juices and concentrates, we stand out for excellence and innovation. Our products are 100% plant-based, sustainable and of high quality.
As international manufacturers and distributors, we guarantee safe and punctual deliveries. We work with you to boost the success of your business with personalized solutions fully adapted to your company.
Trust Baor to achieve your goals and enjoy a passionate and trustworthy collaboration!
All our products are stored at the appropriate temperature in state-of-the-art refrigerated facilities and chambers.
We manufacture and distribute internationally, preserving the cold chain, guaranteeing the quality of each of our products.
Our logistics operations through international operators guarantee the receipt of the product in perfect conditions.